Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Twitter hacked—15 Tweets that tell you everything you need to know.

So Twitter got hacked. And phished.

The Twitterverse responded with it's usual self-assured je m'en fous—a sure sign it takes something much more significant than a little phishing and a few dozen hacked celebrities to threaten our Tweeple. (If Favrd went down, you'd hear some real outrage. And Zamanfou is something else entirely—although we have that too.)

Here then are 15 tweets that prove we Tweeple are a hardy bunch. Also sarcastic, ironic, self-loathing and always ready for a good LOL. Just like the rest of the internet.

Click any tweet to be taken to that writer's Twitter user page. (You can follow them from there!)




  1. Not to be outdone, I was offered free a iPhone if I would just click on the link three of my friends sent in DM. I'm confused. Does this mean I am a celebrity or that I have a vagina? Oh, and when does my free iPhone arrive?

  2. LOL! This is hilarious, so funny, hahaha!

  3. @SarahJL Me, a celebrity? What happened to my virginity?

  4. LMAO, this is awesome! Amazing post ^_^

  5. Hahahaahaaa... funny!


  6. Ahahahaha, funny post. Is the first time I´m here, but I think I´ll come back. Regards from Spain.

  7. HAHAHA Oh no twitters been hacked expect even more ignored posts than usual

  8. LOL! Seriously funny. :-D

  9. I guess my vagina is too old to be phished. Don't believe me? Well you just follow me on Twitter at @TheBookReport. You'll be glad you did.
